If you are starting your kratom adventure, you are probably confused about the recommended kratom dosage with different information available online.

When it comes to recommended dosage of kratom, you need to take into account different factors, such as your tolerance level, your metabolic rate, and even your weight.

In addition, not all kratom products are created equally, and you will come across many highly potent goodies you want to be extra cautious with. This is especially important if you are new to kratom.

Thankfully, our comprehensive kratom dosage guide covers all the basics and more so you do not make any of the common rookie mistakes.

So let’s get started!

What Is Kratom?

The medicinal use of kratom in Asia, especially in Thailand and Indonesia, has a long and rich history. It was relatively recently that the use of kratom gained popularity in the Western world. 

Kratom looks like any typical tree, but the leaves are rich in various alkaloids, primarily mitragynine, which have powerful properties similar to those of morphine and other opioids.

Besides mitragynine which is abundantly present in kratom leaves, the leaves are also rich in 7-hydroxymitragynine. These two alkaloids are the driving forces behind different kratom effects.

Kratom trees are native to Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar. It is also important to note that kratom is a member of the Rubiaceae family, and the most famous member of this family is coffee.  


  • Rich in 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine
  • Used for decades in Southeast Asia
  • May provide pain and stress relief
  • Used among people struggling with opioid withdrawal
  • Growing naturally in Southeast Asia
  • Huge variety of kratom-based products


  • More research is necessary
  • Banned in some states

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Kratom Usage Overview

Before we examine all the basics behind kratom dosage, let’s briefly discuss kratom usage. As mentioned in the previous section, kratom has been used for its medicinal properties since the 19th century.

Back in the day, kratom in different forms was used among Southeast Asian communities for pain relief, energy boost, and stress relief.

Today, different kratom-based goodies like Kratom tea, capsules and powders are also used as a supportive treatment among people struggling with opiate withdrawal symptoms.

While many of its beneficial therapeutic effects are still under-researched, new studies are interested in shedding light on how different kratom alkaloids may help individuals struggling with other ailments.

What Are the Different Kratom Strains?

There are three main categories of the best kratom strains, including White, Green, and Red Vein. The color of the veins indicates the age of the kratom plant. 

When young, kratom leaves have white veins, which become greener as the plant matures. The color of veins turns red when the plant is very mature.

When it comes to the selection of strains, they are generally given the name based on their native location. Hence, we have Sumatra, Thai, Bali, and Indo kratom, alongside other famed strains.

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Indo Kratom

Indo kratom is a famed kratom strain originating from Indonesia. For many kratom enthusiasts, this particular strain is the golden standard, especially among those who are new to kratom.

Indonesia is a country known for hundreds of indigenous plant species, and one of these is the mighty Mitragyna speciosa tree, or kratom as we call it.

Indo kratom is known for growing abundantly in other parts of Southeast Asia. The growth of Indo kratom is often fueled by the acidic soil rich in minerals from volcanic activities.

Maeng Da Kratom

Alongside Indo kratom, Maeng Da Kratom is probably one of the most famous kratom strains preferred among individuals looking to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain.

One of the most popular kratom strains is also native to Southeast Asia, just like other famed kratom varieties.

Since the exact origin of Maeng Da Kratom is still unknown, we know it has been used for centuries for its therapeutic benefits.

Compared to other kratom strains, Maeng Da Kratom is more potent, with a higher level of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

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Bali Kratom

Compared to Maeng Da Kratom, Bali kratom, native to the Indonesian island of Bali, falls into the category of milder kratom strains.

Bali Kratom, especially Red Bali Kratom, is one of the preferred kratom strains among people who are looking to relax.

In addition, Bali kratom is also available in green and white vein varieties, while you may also be able to find Bali kratom in yellow vein options.

Thai Kratom

As suggested, Thai kratom is a famous kratom strain native to Thailand. It, like all kratom types, is grown by hand-picking kratom leaves, drying them, and then processing them into a powder, capsule, or other products.

Today, Indonesia is the biggest exporter of products made with Thai kratom. Since Thai kratom grown in Indonesia and Thailand have very similar genetics, they are often treated as the same strain.

Thai kratom comes in three main varieties, including red, green, and white vein Thai kratom. All three provide muscular relaxation alongside an energy boost.

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Horn Kratom

One kratom strain that is not as popular as other strains we discuss here is Horn kratom. This variety is generally more potent than other strains, making it more suitable for experienced users.

Besides its potency, Horn kratom is also known for its distinct exhilarating aroma, which reminds one of the earthy aromas of other kratom strains but still has something special.

Horn kratom is primarily available in the form of powders, but it is not uncommon for kratom vendors to sell Horn kratom in the form of capsules.

Hulu Kratom

Discussing kratom dosage, we also need to examine another popular kratom strain called Hulu kratom. Just like Horn kratom, Hulu kratom is not as popular as other kratom strains, but due to its potency, it is favored among more seasoned kratom users.

This is one of the most mysterious kratom strains since we do not know much about its origin and historical use besides the fact that it is also native to Southeast Asia.

Still, according to most kratom experts, Hulu kratom is probably native to the area near the Kapuas River located on the island of Borneo, Indonesia.

Elephant Kratom

Another atypical and somewhat mysterious kratom strain is Elephant kratom, which has recently gained popularity in Western countries.

Elephant kratom is best known for its powerful revitalizing properties, and it is one of the preferred stains among people looking for an energy boost.

Like most other kratom strains, it is available in the form of powders and capsules.

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Kali Kratom

Kali kratom is also thought to be native to the lush green region of Borneo. Kali kratom, especially in red veins, is renowned for its top-grade quality and powerful therapeutic benefits.

Besides offering powerful, energizing, and revitalizing effects, Kali kratom is also famed for its distinct aroma, which is nothing like the aroma of other renowned kratom strains.

In addition to being energizing, Kali kratom is also known for its relaxing effects when taken at a higher dose.

Sumatra Kratom

Compared to other kratom strains, Sumatra kratom is probably one of the most well-known varieties among kratom enthusiasts. As suggested, Sumatra kratom grows naturally on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Like other potent kratom strains, it is rich in different alkaloids with stimulating effects, including mitragynine.

JongKong Kratom

When it comes to JongKong kratom, we have to mention the fact that there are three distinct varieties in this category, including white, red, and green JongKong kratom.

JongKong kratom is mainly known among seasoned kratom users since it is more potent than most other kratom strains.

Consumed in the form of powders and capsules, JongKong kratom may deliver a wide range of body and mind effects.

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Dragon Kratom

Before we get to our kratom dosage chart, let’s briefly examine one of the most exclusive kratom strains, Dragon kratom.

This kratom strain is naturally growing only on the lush green island of Borneo. The leaves of Dragon kratom plants are easy to recognize because they have little spikes on each end.

Dragon kratom is challenging to cultivate, making it one of the rarest kratom strains, yet the potential therapeutic advantages are numerous.

Kratom Dosage – How Much Kratom Should You Take?

This leads us to our kratom dosage chart. 

Below, you will find information on kratom dosage for new and experienced users, as well as kratom dosage if you are looking for pain relief, stress relief, and more. 

Kratom Dosage for Opiate Withdrawal

The recommended kratom dose is between 2 and 12 grams [1]. Anything below 2 grams is a microdose, and anything above 6 grams is a heavy dose. 

Depending on opiate withdrawal symptoms, individuals may require a moderate or even a high dose of above 6 grams.  Either way, starting with a smaller dose (2 grams) is always recommended. 

Kratom Dosage for Focus and Energy

For individuals seeking kratom for energy and a greater mental focus, a lower dose between 2 and 4 grams should be enough [2].

For a moderate energy increase, you can also take a lower dose and increase later if the effects are not as potent as you have hoped.

Kratom Dosage for Pain Relief

Moderate to high kratom doses are usually for individuals looking for potential pain relief.

However, even if you are struggling with severe pain, we still recommend sticking to a moderate dose of between 2 and 6 grams [3]. Remember, anything above 8 grams is a heavy dose.

Kratom Dosage for Experienced Users (High Dose)

For more experienced kratom users, smaller doses may not deliver the anticipated effects, so the recommended dosage is somewhere around 4 grams up to 8 grams [4].

Even if you are not new to kratom doses, make sure you avoid taking a heavy dose, as the risk of side effects is much higher.

Kratom Dosage for Anxiety

If you are struggling with anxiety and you hope kratom may help, we recommend you stick to a smaller to moderate dose, so up to 6 grams of kratom, no matter which products you choose [5].

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Kratom Dosage for Depression

The same goes for individuals struggling with depression [5]. While you may be tempted to take a higher dose in hopes of feeling better, sticking to a smaller dose is always the best choice.

Kratom Dosage for First-Time Users (Low Dose)

New kratom users have to be extra careful. This being said, we recommend new kratom users start with a microdose, a dose of up to 2 grams, even if the effects are milder; better to be safe than sorry.

How Long Before the Onset of Kratom Effects?

The onset of kratom effects depends on several different factors, including the dose you have taken, your metabolic rate, your weight, as well as your experience with kratom products.

Generally, people start feeling the first effects of kratom within thirty minutes of consumption, sometimes sooner, sometimes later.

Even if you do not feel any effects within 30 minutes, do not take another dose for at least twenty-four hours.

How Long Do Kratom Effects Last?

How long kratom effects last is also dependent on the dose taken. When people consume higher doses, the effects last longer. Kratom, when consumed at more minor doses, results in shorter-lasting effects.

Generally, the effects of kratom consumed last for a couple of hours, while the kratom may remain in your system for a few days.

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Side Effects of Kratom

Now that you are familiar with the recommendations on kratom dosage for new and experienced kratom users, let’s examine the most common kratom side effects. 

Mild Effects

Some users have reported loss of appetite, changes in sleep, gut issues, and dizziness

According to consumers, the most common side effects include dry mouth, eyes, and lightheadedness. Some also experienced chills, vomiting, and nausea. 

Heavy Use Side Effects

Most of the side effects mentioned in the previous section are associated with heavy and irresponsible kratom use.

Consumed at very high doses, way above the recommended kratom dosage, kratom can lead to muscle issues, liver damage, changes in urine, and chronic constipation. 

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What Happens If I Take Too Much Kratom?

If you take too much kratom, you will probably experience some of the most common side effects we mentioned in the previous section.

To avoid this happening to you, always stick to the recommended dosage and remain cautious about new kratom products on the market.

Sticking to the smallest dose also makes sense, especially if you are new to kratom.

Top Kratom Brands: Where to Buy High-Quality Kratom

There are a variety of kratom vendors selling top-grade kratom products, including kratom powders, Kratom capsules, and more.

Based on our research, the best top-grade kratom products are available at Super Speciosa, kratom Country and Kingdom Kratom.

Super Speciosa has over 100,000 satisfied kratom customers and offers a 30-day Trust Guarantee. Kratom Country is equally impressive with its massive discounts for new and loyal customers.

Kingdom Kratom shares extensive information on the recommended kratom powder dosage and kratom capsule dosage on its official websites. The website also shares other guides on recommended kratom usage.

The same goes for Happy Go Leafy, which offers a 20% discount on your first order, while all of its kratom products are third-party lab-tested.

Other renowned kratom brands you should also check out include Golden Monk, Kratom Spot, Kratom Country, Mit45, Kats Botanicals, Kraken Kratom, Just Kratom, and Top Extracts.

Kratom Dosage: FAQs

Before we conclude our guide on kratom dosage, make sure you check out our frequently asked questions section. 

Why Is Kratom Use Controversial?

One of the main reasons behind kratom’s controversial status is the fact that one of the main alkaloids in kratom leaves, mitragynine, attaches to opioid receptors in the brain, causing effects similar to morphine and other opioids. 

Why Do People Use Kratom? 

People mostly use kratom for its potential pain relief, stress relief, and energizing properties

Kratom is also used by individuals who are struggling with anxiety and depression, as well as those struggling with opioid withdrawal symptoms. 

How Long Does Kratom Last?

Generally, kratom effects usually last for a few hours, depending on the dose you have taken, while kratom may remain in your system for a few days

Is Kratom Safe?

When taken in lower doses and responsibly, kratom is generally safe. At the same time, it may cause side effects, especially at higher doses. 

Technically, kratom products are federally legal in the USA, but kratom consumption is banned in six states and several countries across the globe. 

Can I Overdose on Kratom?

Yes, when taken at significantly high doses, kratom can lead to overdose symptoms. To avoid this happening to you, always stick to the recommended kratom dosage. 

Who Should Avoid Taking Kratom?

Females who are pregnant and nursing should avoid kratom products, and the same goes for people sensitive to kratom and similar substances.

In addition, people who are diagnosed with different medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, should also stay away from kratom.

Kratom Dosage: The Takeaway

Now that you are familiar with the kratom dosage recommendations, we believe you will do your best to remain responsible and cautious about kratom products.

Remember, if you are new to kratom and you have never tried kratom products before, stick to the smallest dose, 2 grams or less. The effects will still be there, and the risk of side effects is significantly lower.

Always wait at least 24 hours to take another dose, and stick to the recommended dosage chart by the product’s manufacturer.

Lastly, we wish you a wonderful and responsible kratom experience!


  1. “Kratom Tea Study Stirs up New Support for Relieving Opioid Dependence ” College of Pharmacy ” University of Florida.” UF Monogram, pharmacy.ufl.edu/2020/10/20/kratom-tea-study-stirs-up-new-support-for-relieving-opioid-dependence/. Accessed 28 Nov. 2023. 
  2. Swogger MT, Smith KE, Garcia-Romeu A, Grundmann O, Veltri CA, Henningfield JE, Busch LY. Understanding Kratom Use: A Guide for Healthcare Providers. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Mar 2;13:801855. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.801855. PMID: 35308216; PMCID: PMC8924421.
  3. Müller E, Hillemacher T, Müller CP. Kratom instrumentalization for severe pain self-treatment resulting in addiction – A case report of acute and chronic subjective effects. Heliyon. 2020 Jul 21;6(7):e04507. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04507. PMID: 32715144; PMCID: PMC7378692.
  4. Sanderson M, Rowe A. Kratom. CMAJ. 2019 Oct 7;191(40):E1105. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.190470. PMID: 31591097; PMCID: PMC6779532.
  5. Müller E, Hillemacher T, Müller CP. Kratom use for depression/anxiety self-management: challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic – A case report. Heliyon. 2021 May 10;7(5):e07039. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07039. PMID: 34136676; PMCID: PMC8180622.