Living Alone: A Humane Law Enforcement (HLE) officer encountered an abandoned boa constrictor in an apartment in the 600 block of Gallatin Street NW on March 18. The snake was left there by a former tenant earlier in the month. The animal cop took possession of the cold-blooded reptile—who could have frozen to death as its heat lamp had been accidentally turned off by cleaners. The snake was taken to a shelter and has since been adopted.

This Collar Itches: D.C. Police called in HLE when, on March 16, three Rottweiler puppies living in the 600 block of Allison Street NW were found with collars embedded in their skin. “The skin had grown over the collars and infected the wounds. The third puppy had a rubber band wrapped around his forelimb which had also become embedded and infected,” the Washington Humane Society says. The society says it’s deciding whether to pursue criminal charges against the owner of the dogs.

Kennel Cough: A sick puppy living in the 200 block of Hamilton Street NW wasn’t getting medical attention. On March 19, an HLE officer showed up at the pooch’s home and issued an official notification requiring the owner to take it to a vet. The owner did, and the animal was diagnosed with “kennel cough.” The pup was given antibiotics and is recuperating.

That’s Bull: Four bulldogs were thought to have been abandoned at a workshop in the 2800 block of Franklin Street NE. An HLE officer checked out the situation on March 22. But the dogs appeared healthy and the owner offered that he comes by the workshop twice a day to care for them.

Feelin Good: A cat was spotted limping in the area of Sherman Circle NW on March 16. The owner was located and given an official notification to have the kitty seen by a vet. She did. The cat was prescribed painkillers and is now resting at home.

Source: Washington Humane Society

Photo by OakeleyOriginaks, Creative Commons Attribution License