Meet your new football team, D.C.: the Washington Pigskins. That’s the name Washington City Paper will use from now on to refer to the folks in burgundy and gold who play at FedEx Field, instead of the name the team prefers, which is a pejorative term for Native Americans.

Over the last week, 1,125 of you voted on which of five names we should go with, and Pigskins—a.k.a. Hogs, in a tribute to the team’s great offensive line of the first Joe Gibbs era—stiff-armed the competition like John Riggins did to Don McNeal in Super Bowl XVII. The name won 50 percent of the vote. Washington Monuments came in a distant second, with 16 percent; Washington Bammas got 13 percent, Washington Half-Smokes, 11 percent, and Washington Washingtons 10 percent. There were a few late entries that we liked, such as the Washington RG3skins—inspired by the quarterback’s touchdown run last Sunday—and the Washington Americans.

But our readers have spoken, and the Pigskins it is. One added benefit to the name: The ’Skins abbreviation still works. And even the team’s fight song can fit our new style, with only slight modification: “Hail to the Pigskins, hail victory, Hogs on the warpath, fight for old D.C.!”

Illustration by Carey Jordan

Due to an editing error, this post originally misidentified Don McNeal.