Heading into tomorrow night’s Top Chef finale, D.C.-based caterer Carla Hall tells ZagatBuzz that she has no interest in opening her own restaurant. That would put her in the minority of Top Chef finalists, winners or not. Ilan Hall, Sam Talbot, Harold Dieterle, Hung Huynh, and Stephanie Izard, among others, have all either opened or are planning to open their own restaurants.

Not Hall. She tells Olga Boikess:

No, I don’t want to start a restaurant. But, I’d like a kitchen of my own, with a chef’s table (to cook for people) and a place to hold cooking classes. And I’d like to retail the sweet and savory cookies that we make for catering customers

Hall has been making the media rounds prior to tomorrow’s finale. She also did a Q&A with the Washingtonian.

Image courtesy of Bravo.