“The Puppeteers of America, a national organization, has declared that April 24 be a National Day of Puppetry,” states the press release. “Puppetry guilds from all across America are hosting puppetry events.” Much comes to mind when reading these proclamations. First, of course, is that the POA is so powerful that it may unilaterally commandeer an entire day for itself. Clearly, these are the people literally pulling the strings of our society. Other questions revolve around what might happen should the puppetry guilds go on strike. Forget Y2K—the thought of untethered puppets running amok should strike fear into every American’s heart. The National Capital Puppetry Guild hosts the many puppet-related activities, which include puppet-making demonstrations, Susan Wall’s Carousel Puppets performing Circus on Strings, and the Puppet Co. performing The Wizard of Oz. Surrender, Dorothy, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Echo. The Wizard of Oz is $5; other events are free. (301) 492-6282. (Dave Nuttycombe)