Elvis Costello the performer has been many things over the course of his career: an Attraction, an Imposter, a talk show host, and an icon of England’s new wave era, to list just a few. But when he appears at Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, Costello won’t serenade moon-eyed audiences with a few verses of “Alison” or “Every Day I Write the Book.” Instead, he’ll reflect on the life of the man born Declan Patrick MacManus and share stories he’s previously kept private. Like many musicians of a certain age, Costello has published an autobiography, Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink, in which he chronicles his four decades in music and the surprising twists that led him to his current position atop rock ‘n’ roll. From his experiments with classical and jazz compositions to his frequent TV guest spots and constant reinterpretation of work by other artists, the man’s done it all. He’ll discuss all this and more withSlateculture editor Dan Kois. If you ask nicely, maybe he’ll even sing just a bit. Elvis Costello reads at 7:30 p.m. at Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St. NW. $45. (202) 408-3100. sixthandi.org.