Loose Lips, which is City Paper's D.C. politics vertical, written in red text

Loose Lips is Washington City Paper‘s flagship political column, covering all things D.C. politics. Here you will find stories about the D.C. Council, local politicians, the mayor, attorney general, ANCs, elections, government agencies, and more.

Wendell Felder Triumphs in Ward 7, Capping a Primary Night Light on Surprises 

All four Council incumbents won handily, while Felder rode his decade of experience with the political establishment to a close win.

Wendell Felder entered the Ward 7 Council primary as the prohibitive favorite, grabbed the most coveted endorsement available, and appears to have come away with a narrow victory in the race. The campaign had its twists and turns, but the result was ultimately just as predictable as those in the rest of the big contests…

Mailer Mania Defines the Closing Days of the Wild Ward 7 Council Race

Ebony Payne is keeping up the attacks and outside groups are spending big as the hottest race in the District wraps up.

Anyone with a mailbox in Ward 7 is surely glad that primary day has nearly arrived, marking an end to the flood of advertisements that tends to accompany a chaotic, open-seat Council race. Especially because Loose Lips hears the final days of the mailer wars have gotten particularly frenetic. “BEWARE! OF THESE CANDIDATES” a new…

City Paper Primary Prep: Can the Old Guard Best Younger Candidates in the Shadow Delegation Races?

The contests for shadow senator and representative, unpaid roles advocating for statehood, have proven to be unusually chaotic.

D.C.’s all-important Democratic primary is just a few days away on June 4 (and mail-in/early voting is already underway). In a perfect world, you’d have read each and every one of City Paper’s riveting stories on the top races on the ballot throughout this election season. But in case you haven’t, we are trying to…

City Paper Primary Prep: Can Robert White and Trayon White Win Third Terms on the Council?

The at-large and Ward 8 councilmembers face challenges of varying degrees of severity.

D.C.’s all-important Democratic primary is just a few days away on June 4 (and mail-in/early voting is already underway). In a perfect world, you’d have read each and every one of City Paper’s riveting stories on the top races on the ballot throughout this election season. But in case you haven’t, we are trying to…

Kenyan McDuffie Helped Create D.C.’s Troubled Sports Betting System. His Reversal Could Finally Reform It.

McDuffie could win a permanent funding source for his baby bonds program by opening up D.C.’s sports betting market.

At-Large Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie was one of the deciding votes in creating D.C.’s ill-fated sports betting monopoly five years ago. Now, he’s become the central figure in the fight to dismantle that system. The District could allow private sportsbooks to start operating mobile betting apps throughout the city as soon as this summer, if the…

City Paper Primary Prep: Will Janeese Lewis George Waltz to Reelection in Ward 4?

Lisa Gore and Paul Johnson have critiqued the incumbent on crime, but neither has gained much traction.

D.C.’s all-important Democratic primary is just a few days away on June 4 (and mail-in/early voting has already started). In a perfect world, you’d have read each and every one of City Paper’s riveting stories on the top races on the ballot throughout this election season. But in case you haven’t, we’ve tried to sum…

Mendelson Tries to Appease Progressives, End D.C.’s Sports Betting Mess With Budget Changes

The Council chair’s edits to the 2025 budget add tax hikes and new spending in a move to head off more aggressive proposals from other councilmembers.

Council Chair Phil Mendelson may complain about his more progressive colleagues on occasion, but they’ve helped him play an important role in recent budget cycles: mediator. Mendo has his ideological commitments, but he’s always been willing to move in one direction or another if a majority on the Council is pushing him that way. In…

City Paper Primary Prep: Who Will Win the Wild Race to Replace Vince Gray in Ward 7?

Catch up quickly on the most chaotic race in D.C. politics ahead of June 4.

D.C.’s all-important Democratic primary is just a few days away on June 4 (and mail-in/early voting has already started). In a perfect world, you’d have read each and every one of City Paper’s riveting stories on the top races on the ballot throughout this election season. But in case you haven’t, we’ve summed up everything…

D.C.’s Most Chaotic ANC Is at the Center of a Controversy Roiling the Ward 8 Council Race

Salim Adofo’s colleagues have accused him of using ANC money for his campaigns. The accusers also happen to support one of his opponents.

Every few years, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C spirals into chaos. So it is probably not headline news that its members are battling over the group’s finances once again. But this time around, the drama is scrambling the Ward 8 Council race. The present mess has drawn in the ANC’s chair, Salim Adofo, who represents the…

John Falcicchio Is Looking to Mount a Private Sector Comeback Following His Sexual Harassment Scandal

Bowser’s former right-hand man, forced from his office following accusations of sexual harassment, is trying to set himself up as a consultant in the development world, sources say.

D.C. politicos have mounted comebacks after getting caught taking bribes, embezzling money meant for needy kids, using public office to line the pockets of private clients, and, of course, smoking crack. In a town like this, maybe a sexual harassment scandal isn’t enough to qualify someone for a permanent exile. At least, that’s what John…

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