• Health care. Jesus Christ on toast with Marmite, am I ever sick of hearing about health care. Whole Foods—-SHUT UP. Public option opponents—-SHUT UP. Fox News—-SHUT UP. Meanwhile, in British rationing news, I’m horrified to report that my wife’s grandmother recently had to wait over an hour to be seen, mostly because the Edinburgh Council moved the Royal Infirmary from right across the Meadows all the way out to Little France, which is as far from the city center as it sounds. This is outrageous and would never happen in the United States, where there is no socialized medicine and never will be—-SHUT UP.
  • MEDIA NEWS! Battle of the Hottest rages on Capitol Hill. Jayson Blair is a life coach! City Paper‘s parent company begins its Week of Reckoning today! CEO tells Atlanta Journal-Constitution decision to buy CP and Chicago Reader was thoroughly vetted: “It wasn’t just me running over a cliff.”